Saturday, January 24, 2009

Johnny Kellock Died Today by Hadley Dyer


  1. I'm in the middle of reading this and I'm perplexed as to why a twelve year old girl feels responsible to find her cousin? Why aren't the adults involved? I guess that's why it's called "Fiction"!

  2. I'm scared to start it. Is it sad???

  3. I don't think so. What do others think? Remember, you can always START a book and if you don't like it- if it's too sad or too scary- you can always bring it back and try another. That's the fabulous thing about libraries!

  4. The genre is realistic fiction, or "dramatique" on your list. A lot of the Red Cedar books this year fall into this genre, Asia... except, of course, for Hamish X or even The Devil, the Banshee and Me. Those are fantasy. And A Winter for Leo, which of course could be clasified as animal fiction.

  5. when do we vote??

  6. I posted the information on the main page. You'll get invites on Tuesday and voting takes place on Thursday at lunch.
