Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jurassic Poop by Jacob Berkowitz

Any book with the name ‘poop’ in the title will be an interesting one, right? Try to predict what kind of topics the author covers in this book... How can you write a whole book about dinosaur dung?
From the first pages, in which he explains how some exhaust got preserved for millions of years, Jacob Berkowitz has lots of fascinating details for those of us interested in dinosaurs, paleontology and science. He combines his knowledge with a good sense of humour. You’ll have fun reading about a turd hoping to get lithified (turned into stone) right through to The Future of Feces. Far from being a gross book, I was surprised at how much I learned. Scientists are able to use thousands of years old droppings to teach us about species: how they lived, what they ate, how they hunted, even in which season they ate their last meal! This book might even make you aware of new areas to study if you want to become a scientist.


  1. I just started this book and it sounds great!!

  2. I really liked Jarassic Poop because I love
    POO!!! :)

  3. Okay Dawson... just what, exactly, do you like about poo? Do enlighten me.
