Monday, April 13, 2009

Voting Day and Celebration

Hi everyone,

we're going to wrap-up our Red Cedar Book Club on Thursday, April 16th at noon in the library. Please bring your lunches... we'll have a final chat about the books, vote on our favourites, and then celebrate all of our great reading! This celebration will only be open to those who have read a minimum of FIVE nominees from either fiction or nonfiction categories. I will be going by the list posted in the hall so be sure to update. You will receive invitations on Tuesday.

To those of you who didn't quite make it but were loyal in attending the meetings this year, you are welcome to come but you can't vote. To those of you who signed up at the beginning but lost interest after a week or two... there's always next year!!

Thanks everyone- see you on Thursday.
Mrs. Sherlock

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